VTune 2.5.1 CD
The VTune 2.5.1 CD adds the following new versions to the components of the VTune 2.4 CD.
- VTune 2.5.1, including the Intel JIT
- Intel C/C++ Compiler 2.4 build P97241
- Intel FORTRAN Compiler 2.4 build P97241
In addition, the Image Processing Library version 1.0 has been added and
the MASM Macro Package has been removed since Microsoft's release of
MASM version 6.12 made the MASM Macro Utility obsolete (see Support for MMX Technology in MASM).
The only difference between the VTune 2.5 CD and the VTune 2.5.1 CD is the replacement of VTune 2.5 with VTune 2.5.1.
VTune 2.4 CD
Version 2.4 of the VTune CD was the first release of a CD bundled with most of the Intel Software Performance